Redline Elements
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Who is Redline Elements?

As a professional pilot and EMS provider, sky and scuba diver, there aren’t many elements I have left unexplored.

With each new experience came questions:

  • How can this be done safer?

  • How can rescue be tailored to provide more efficient care?

  • How can first responders act more effectively and safely?

Aviation accidents are complex. Providers have little, if any, proper training for them.

This is how Redline Elements was born.

We offer training programs that educate providers with specialized emergency training.

All Redline Elements courses will bridge the critical void that exists between specialized emergencies and first response. Safety is our utmost concern; providing new and unexplored methods to safely rescue victims from modernized accidents and mishaps.

By offering modern education and exploring innovative ways to increase safety and rescue, we stand out.

We become Redline Elements.

Thank you for joining us in the quest for safety.

 - Melanie Folcik, Program Coordinator

Copyright © 2009-2010 Redline Elements LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Web design by Mike Folcik